Episode 1: Throw it into the sea[]
We are introduced to Morrigan, the sorcerer, Kaa’Riin, the barbarian and Freya the rogue. They slowly wake up, stuck in a cage in the hold of a ship without their memories. They escape the cage and inside three 'treasure chests' find Morrigan's magical staff (Staff of Stegnar) and Kaa'Riin's axe (Axe of Melancye). Up on the deck they meet a leonid male named Dutch and a mousling named Lewt. Dutch calls them "princesses" and Lewt says that the two of them take care of each other. The girls help Dutch fight a bunch of zombie-like body parts, then fail to take control of the ship in a storm. The episode ends with tentacles coming up over the sides of the ship. Dun-dun-dun!
Flashbacks and Asides[]
Dutch's memory: he’s on a different ship with a female captain who’s wearing a mask. He loves her. She walked him along a plank. She asked if he knew that Lewt was a curse that would bring still seas and no wind. He sees a man in white with an unnecessary beard and reassures Lewt. All three men step off the ship. A mighty white albatross caught them - it is Harkon.
From deep beneath the Catalodian sea a creature of immense age awakens, shackled, the god Unduloch. It strains against the shackles. The Harpy’s Howl is bringing an ancient and forgotten power closer to this being with an aching thirst. It remembers some skills and transformed into tentacles to escape its bonds. Then it reaches up to the ship with its magical prey and began to pull it below the surface.
Morrigan remembers being released from a cage by a Druid [Harkon].
We learn that Harkon saved Lewt and Dutch after Dutch saved Lewt from being enslaved for his healing talents.
Harpy’s Howl ship with hot air balloon on the Catalidian Sea. (It can be an airship or water ship.)
New skills, spells, items[]
- Perception
- Fire bolt
- Lock picking
- Beast sense
- Speak with animals
- Mage hand
- Shield
- Gust
- Attack
- Damage
- Skill challenge
- Pistols
- Rage
- Sword of Deception
- Staff of Stegnar
- Axe of Melancye
- Rapier
- Perform
- Combat
- Acrobatics
Other Firsts[]
- Fart joke
- Crit
- Advantage
- Moral dilemma
- Skill check
- Sex joke
- Initiative
- Armour class
- Hit points
- Puzzle
- Fight
Next Episode: Episode 2 Lost at Sea