Freya Firelli[]
Trait most influential on game-play: Not sneaky
Main Weapon: Sword of Deception
Part of Volume Six: The Lessons[]
Told in Flashbacks, Stories, Episode 6.2, and The Adventures of Shamu and Smudge (Patreon only episode)
Queen Sa'Shal Firelli and her husband Ja'Hann Orratte give birth to a daughter, Freya. After a while, Keridral's daughter, a being created in the body of a changeling but bound by a mix of decaying souls, is sent to remove and replace the young Freya. She casually pushes her from the Fortress and then assumes her form. The Fortress fades from view, and Freya is left alone in the Orchestral Sands. She survives and finds her way to the city of Cardisan.
In Cardisan, Freya struggles to find help until she is taken to the city's self-funded orphanage. Her years here are filled with dashed hopes and when an opportunity arises for a well to do family to adopt a child, Freya shapechanges and becomes the child they want... for a while. Unfortunately, the family is not a happy one and Freya spends much of her time alone - except for the memory of her godfather Thine, who seems able to be speak with her in some form. He helps her find the courage to escape to the streets again, older, more skilled, but probably not wiser.
Returning to the orphanage. Freya begins to make a connection to the Matron, who overseas the children and The Madam, one of Cardisan's criminal entities. Freya decides to free the children from the Matron and pushes the pompous woman to her death at the base of the orphanage's central's staircase. When the Madame becomes aware of the Matron's death, she sends her brother to retrieve both Freya and Jorda, and offer them a deal. He easily captures Jorda as Freya is trying to show them something quite unique, a long forgotten portal hidden by illusions on the outskirts of the city, a place she found during her nights alone in Cardisan.
She tracks Jorda and his assailant back to a dark, two story building in Cartdisan. She sneaks by a sleeping Minty without considering the familiar aroma in the air, perhaps driven by her need to save a friend. Tragically, he is being tortured for information, and has already lost an eye. In time, this eye will be given to The Being of Many Eyes who will share Jorda's vision, unless an eye patch blocks the view! The Madam makes Freya a deal, return to the treasury, retrieve The Sword of Deception, and return it. Freya hears most of the instructions…
Freya is able to steal the Sword of Deception and is chased from the scene by the newly appointed Captain Mentieth on the command of the newly empowered Queen Morrigan – who Freya does not see but does hear. She witnesses Mentieth leach the soul of the usurped Queen using a spell, the Royal tattoo and an empty gem. Freya does return for Jorda, but refuses to hand over the Sword of Deception. She uses it to help Jorda escape but they achieve only a short reprieve from The Madam's anger. Freya's exploits now include the theft of the sword, but a fame comes with risks. The Madame decides to take them all down and sends hands to begin the task. He finds and threatens Jorda. But Freya performs a sneak attack successfully and kills the Madam's brother. Lurking in the shadows, Keridral's daughter, who has been working with both Dornus and The Madam, recognises Freya. Knowing her potentials as a Justicar due to her royal heritage, she captures her and delivers her to Dornus. This success convinces Dornus to strengthen The Madam's power in Cardisan and begins to raise her building, emerging floor by floor from beneath Cardisan, into an immense tower. He plans to use it to transfer his army of golems through its newly acquired portal, once the watch towers are destroyed.
Events beyond this point occur in the first chapter: The Amnesia Chronicles
About Indy[]
I've always thought of Indy as my canary. I might need to explain that. Back in the day, before we had fancy gas detectors, miners apparently kept a canary in a cage to detect gas leaks underground. If the canary was...umm... pining for the fjords and had ceased to be - you needed to act fast. And that's why she's a canary. Indy is always so happy and positive that if she starts looking bored, you're in trouble! - Cory, The DM